Weekly News for Designers № 452

Variable Fonts on the Web Using CSS – Learn how to use variable fonts on your own website.
Variable Fonts on the Web Using CSS

Carousels on Mobile Devices – Important considerations for using image carousels.
Carousels on Mobile Devices

Changes on CSS Grid Layout in percentages and indefinite height – A look at how percentages are used in CSS and CSS Grid.
Changes on CSS Grid Layout in percentages and indefinite height

Responsive Logos: Our Well-Deserved Web Innovation – How to adjust your logo for smaller screens.
Responsive Logos: Our Well-Deserved Web Innovation

Advanced effects with CSS background blend modes – Create a beautiful background with these CSS tidbits.
Advanced effects with CSS background blend modes

Icon Transition Generator – Create a snappy transition between two SVG icons.
Icon Transition Generator

The 10 Commandments of Good Products – Reasons why we buy what we do.
The 10 Commandments of Good Products

Designing Illustrations for Small Screens – Tips for creating images that make sense to mobile users.
Designing Illustrations for Small Screens

Picular – A search engine for colors.

windows95 – The entirety of the classic OS in an Electron app. Yes, they did. No, we don’t know why.

Code Surfer – A React component for scrolling, zooming and highlighting code.
Code Surfer

Diagonal Slideshow – Learn the steps to creating this stunning slideshow.
Diagonal Slideshow

Hourly rate calculator – Use this calculator to figure out your ideal hourly rate.
Hourly rate calculator

A Better Way to Create Typography Design Systems – How using the Archetype app can simplify the process.
A Better Way to Create Typography Design Systems

The iPhone’s original UI designer on Apple’s greatest flaws – Ways Apple can do better with its flagship product.
The iPhone’s original UI designer on Apple’s greatest flaws

CSS tips that you likely won’t see in any tutorial – Some hidden tricks that every designer should know.
CSS tips that you likely won’t see in any tutorial

Solar System Explorer in CSS – View this simulation, built without a single bit of JavaScript.
Solar System Explorer in CSS

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