Weekly News for Designers (№ 411)

Get FullStory for Free, Forever.
Get FullStory for Free Forever

IBM Type – IBM’s new typeface is available for download, along with some useful advice.
IBM Type

10 WordPress Plugins to Supercharge Advanced Custom Fields – Add even more useful features to the popular WordPress plugin.
10 WordPress Plugins to Supercharge Advanced Custom Fields

Shards – A free and modern UI toolkit for web makers based on the popular Bootstrap 4 framework.

Gradientify – A collection of top gradients with copy and paste CSS code.

The Contrast Swap Technique: Improved Image Performance with CSS Filters – An interesting method for reducing image size with the help of CSS.
The Contrast Swap Technique: Improved Image Performance with CSS Filters

A Beginner’s Guide to UX Prototyping – One of the best tools in a designer’s box in terms of optimizing UX is the prototype.
A Beginner’s Guide to UX Prototyping

Shortcuts.design – Every shortcut for designers in one place.

js2flowchart – A visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into a beautiful SVG flowchart.

Sketch Syntax Highlighter – Automatically highlight the syntax of any code snippet, right within Sketch.
Sketch Syntax Highlighter

Emergence.js – Lightweight, high-performance JS plugin for detecting and manipulating elements in the browser.

The modern web design process – An Ebook to help you learn how a well-defined process translates to high-performing websites.
The modern web design process

Biomatic UI – A flexible atomic-focused CSS framework.
Biomatic UI

Advanced CSS-Only Form Styling – Learn about selectors both new and old that you can use to style form inputs based on requirement, validity and more.
Advanced CSS-Only Form Styling

Flexbox and Grids, your layout’s best friends – Debunking the myths around Flexbox & Grids in order to show you the power of these two technologies working together.
Flexbox and Grids, your layout’s best friends

City Lights – A suite of beautiful dark theme goodies for Atom & Visual Studio Code.
City Lights

A Responsive Accessible Table – An in-depth guide to creating beautiful responsive HTML tables.
A Responsive Accessible Table

Expanding Grid Item Animation – A grid item animation where the thumbnail scales up when the details view is opened.
Expanding Grid Item Animation

Orion Icon Library – A collection of more than 4,500 free SVG icons.
Orion Icon Library

Follow Speckyboy on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ for a daily does of web design resources and freebies.

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