Weekly News for Designers № 406

This is our popular weekly design news post where we share our favorite design related articles, resources and freebies from the past week.

You can sign-up to our awesome weekly newsletter or follow us on Twitter for some more amazing design articles, resources and freebies.

New Resources & Tools

Draggable JS – A lightweight, responsive, modern drag & drop library.
Draggable JS

Sticky Sidebar – A pure JavaScript plugin for making a smart and high performance sticky sidebar.
Sticky Sidebar

Moving Letters – An open source directory of text effects animated with JavaScript and anime.js.
Moving Letters

file-upload-with-preview – A simple file-upload utility that shows a preview of the uploaded image.

Quickly Create Responsive Email Templates with MailStyler 2 – An app featuring a drag-and-drop UI that enables you to create stunning email templates.
Quickly Create Responsive Email Templates with MailStyler 2

Essential Image Optimization – An eBook by Addy Osmani that explains the ins and outs of optimizing your images.
Essential Image Optimization

Jam Icons – A free collection of 422 handcrafted & pixel perfect icons.
Jam Icons

Marketing for Engineers – A curated collection of marketing articles & tools to grow your product.
Marketing for Engineers

New CSS Resources

10 Free Snippets for Creating CSS Content Cards – A collection of card designs that are a great way to organize listings of blog posts, products, services or just about any repetitive content.
10 Free Snippets for Creating CSS Content Cards

10 Amazing Examples of CSS, SVG & Canvas Masks In Action – Demos of custom clipping masks & SVG/canvas masks.
10 Amazing Examples of CSS, SVG & Canvas Masks In Action

Comic book style layout with CSS Grid – An example of a complex layout made simple with CSS Grid.
Comic book style layout with CSS Grid

mimic.css – A CSS class animations library (because everyone else is doing it).

Learning Guides, Tutorials & Tips

CSS Grid Gotchas And Stumbling Blocks By Rachel Andrew
CSS Grid Gotchas And Stumbling Blocks

What You Need to Know About Variable Fonts By Ulrik Hogrebe
What You Need to Know About Variable Fonts

Redesigning Laravel.io By Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger
Redesigning Laravel.io

Fundamentals of Responsive Images By Marc Drummond
Fundamentals of Responsive Images

More Padding, Please! By Patrick J. Condon
More Padding, Please!

…and finally…

Dropbox Design – Dropbox introduces a new brand system. The look is expressive, with vibrant colors, rich imagery, a versatile typeface, and playful illustrations.
Dropbox Design

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The post Weekly News for Designers № 406 appeared first on Speckyboy Web Design Magazine.