Weekly News for Designers № 476

10 Free Responsive Website Mockup Templates – Show off your design mockups on multiple screen sizes with these free downloads.
10 Free Responsive Website Mockup Templates

10 Portfolio Websites that Tell a Story – Check out these examples of portfolios that go beyond the ordinary.
10 Portfolio Websites that Tell a Story

Grid Reveal Effects with Anime.js – Experiments with hiding and revealing images using JavaScript.
Grid Reveal Effects with Anime.js

4 Reasons Why You Should Design Without Color First – How starting with grayscale forces you to prioritize UX design elements.
4 Reasons Why You Should Design Without Color First

CSS Scroll Snap — How It Really Works – Create amazing scroll effects without the need for JS.
CSS Scroll Snap — How It Really Works

RFS – A responsive font size engine that automatically calculates sizing based on browser viewport.

A Detailed Guide to CSS Animations and Transitions – Learn the basics of creating CSS animations in your projects.
A Detailed Guide to CSS Animations and Transitions

Making Google Fonts Faster – Three ways to make your fonts load super-fast.
Making Google Fonts Faster

The State of CSS Survey – Take the survey and help identify the latest CSS trends.
The State of CSS Survey

Staying in Touch with What Users Want – How to design with users in mind, no matter the budget.
Staying in Touch with What Users Want

The only reason your CSS fails – Four core concepts that make up the basis of CSS.
The only reason your CSS fails

How to Create Custom WordPress Template Tags – Write code once and display it anywhere in your theme.
How to Create Custom WordPress Template Tags

Don’t Get Clever with Login Forms – Some examples of both good and bad practices in login form design.
Don’t Get Clever with Login Forms

The process of building a dashboard and developer documentation portal from scratch – A designer’s look at the challenges faced in the process and solutions that were implemented.
The process of building a dashboard and developer documentation portal from scratch

To Grid or to Flex? – Some guidelines for when to choose a specific CSS layout method.
To Grid or to Flex?

Using CSS Grid the right way – CSS Grid is more robust than you might think.
Using CSS Grid the right way

18 Free High-Resolution Adobe Illustrator Brush Packs – Add some high-resolution beauty to your projects with this collection.
18 Free High-Resolution Adobe Illustrator Brush Packs

How to make Dynamic Text Overlays on Images – Learn how to make text dynamically adjust to light and dark background images.
How to make Dynamic Text Overlays on Images

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