Weekly News for Designers № 471

CSS Grid Layout Generator – Create complex grids with this visual tool.
CSS Grid Layout Generator

When And How To Use CSS Multi-Column Layout – A look at this little-used alternative to Flexbox and CSS Grid.
When And How To Use CSS Multi-Column Layout

Incredible Code Snippets Inspired by Music – Creative examples that let you make music.
Incredible Code Snippets Inspired by Music

The internet, but not as we know it – A look at life online in China, Cuba, India and Russia.
The internet, but not as we know it

Destyle.css – An “opinionated” CSS reset library.

Manrope – A free geometric sans-serif font family.

Front-End Performance Checklist 2019 – An updated resource for building blazing-fast websites.
Front-End Performance Checklist 2019

The Case for Slowing Down the Design Process – How a slower pace can help you to produce a better final product.
The Case for Slowing Down the Design Process

An introduction to CSS Containment – Learn about this new standard, meant to improve browser performance.
An introduction to CSS Containment

2018 JavaScript Rising Stars – A look at JS projects that were much-loved on GitHub.
2018 JavaScript Rising Stars

Controlling WordPress Through the Command Line with WP-CLI – An introductory look at this powerful tool for WordPress.
Controlling WordPress Through the Command Line with WP-CLI

Anime.js – A lightweight JavaScript animation library.

Designing the Flexbox Inspector – Discover the benefits of this new browser inspection tool from Firefox.
Designing the Flexbox Inspector

Why we need CSS subgrid – A look at potential uses for creating a grid-within-a-grid.
Why we need CSS subgrid

Undernet – A modular, configuration-first front-end framework.

Strategies to Improve Your Site’s Conversion Rate in 2019 – Use these techniques to boost conversions this year.
Strategies to Improve Your Site’s Conversion Rate in 2019

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