Weekly News for Designers № 459

Accessibility Cheatsheet – A handy checklist for ensuring your designs are accessible to all.
Accessibility Cheatsheet

8 Code Snippets to Make Your Pagination Pop – Help your pagination stand out.
8 Code Snippets to Make Your Pagination Pop

How to Display Content Based on WordPress User Roles – Code snippets that detect user roles and capabilities.
How to Display Content Based on WordPress User Roles

GitHub Launches Actions, its workflow automation tool – GitHub’s newest feature could be a game changer.
GitHub Launches Actions, its workflow automation tool

CSS Layout cookbook – Access “recipes” for building common layouts.
CSS Layout cookbook

Structural Typography – Thinking of type as language and composition.
Structural Typography

Favicon Checker – See how your site’s favicon looks in popular browsers.
Favicon Checker

percollate – A command-line tool that turns web pages into formatted PDF files.

Photoshop Workflows And Shortcuts For Digital Artists – Use Adobe’s flagship product more efficiently.
Photoshop Workflows And Shortcuts For Digital Artists

Fullscreen Hover Loop Effect – Hover over a navigation item and watch a stunning fullscreen slideshow.
Fullscreen Hover Loop Effect

Rhythm in Web Typography – A look at how typographic rhythm affects legibility and visual hierarchy.
Rhythm in Web Typography

sanitize.css – This CSS library corrects broken and missing styles.

33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know – A repository of articles that cover important JS concepts.
33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

Splash Letters Font – A free display font that utilizes splashed paint letters.
Splash Letters Font

Styling the Gutenberg Columns Block – Learn how to add basic styles for the new WordPress editor.
Styling the Gutenberg Columns Block

Unbuttoning Buttons – Making HTML buttons look less like, well, buttons.
Unbuttoning Buttons

Fancy Border Radius Generator – A tool that goes beyond the basic rounded corners.
Fancy Border Radius Generator

Typekit is Adobe Fonts – The renamed service is now included with Creative Cloud subscriptions.
Typekit is Adobe Fonts

PHP Terminal NES Emulator – Play some Mario on a PHP-based terminal!
PHP Terminal NES Emulator

Namari Landing Page Template – A free, fully-responsive template.
Namari Landing Page Template

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