WAMMI vs SUS global score

are the global scores of the WAMMI and SUS questionnaires comparable? Does a website with a WAMMI score of 95 have a better usability than a website with a SUS score of 85? If they aren't directly comparable is there a known correlation or factor someone could apply to make the two comparable?

The last couple of hours I read a lot about these two questionnaires but couldn't find a resource stating the comparability either way, but maybe that's the entire point of having two score ranging between 0 and 100 even tough one incorporates more than the other.


Edit: WAMMI: http://www.wammi.com/whatis.html

SUS: http://www.usability.gov/how-to-and-tools/methods/system-usability-scale.html

After posting it I also found this sentence, I guess this answers the question, but maybe someone can confirm it.

...and SUS correlated very highly with simple average WAMMI scores (r = .948)

Source: http://uxpajournal.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/JUS_Brooke_February_2013.pdf