View/Edit mode used in data tables
I am working on data table for HR managers that implements in-line editing as well as drop-down menu with detailed options. In-line edit is a must as it will be re-used in dashboard for different pop-ups so we chose in-line edit instead of pop-ups so it wouldn't turn out as a pop-up on a pop-up. The thing is that I was just told to show different values during edit and view mode, in a new iteration of wireframes, as some of the items are not editable. I was told to think of somewhat more elegant solution than I have right now. Please bear with me I started to get into UX just couple of months ago and I am an intern in the company.
Anyways my question: Is there a correct approach to designing detailed dropdown options and follow-up question can you think of more elegant solution to my problem? Any ideas and examples are appreciated.
Here are wireframes of what I have so far. The non-editable fields are : Created on, Lastly modified on, Modified by.
Edit mode
View mode