Videos on hero / banner and usability concerns: should I place it or not?

Should I place videos in lieu of a hero image, within the box below the header and main menu? Please note: no autoplay videos for sure, just a big image taken from inside the video with the possibility to play the video there, at the very beginning of that page content.

I tried to find articles or papers on if it's a big usability NO but I didn't manage to find anything useful. The only material I found was lots of advice on UX and videos BUT they were NOT applied to hero boxes and they were about giving users easy control, silence the video if autoplay is on, or not put autoplay videos, etc. etc. etc.

I am not sure whether this could represent a major usability problem. Do you have any advice on this?

It will be really helpful to motivate my decision to the client, since so far I am not fully against both keeping it or not.