UX study materials for a front-end developer changing careers [on hold]

I'm a front-end developer, and am looking to switch to UX. I've been a developer for 2-ish years, and worked in public affairs and strategy prior to that.

I've completed the Nielsen Norman Group certificate, and have had some experience of UX in my current role - basic involvement in design sprints, user testing etc., but no formalised position in the area.

I've reviewed this question and this question about making the change, and found them really valuable - I understand that a portfolio is crucial, that I should specialise, that I need to write and network etc., but I still feel that I need some slightly more specific direction.

To that end, is there a specific course (either online or in-person), or book, or program which would help bring me up to a level where I could enter into a UX role - bearing in mind that I already know some of the basics? Something that would cover things in detail, and allow me to feel that I have a strong sense of the processes and problem solving tools available to me?

With all the material out there, it's hard to pinpoint the right fit.