UX process to take over a internal application

I am currently in the process of taking responsibility for a larger application. It is an internal application that will have about 200 users when it goes live.

It has been in development for two years and has little to no documented requirements. Everyone has their idea of what it is supposed to solve but only the general outlines are documented. New features are added based on the process owners experience. So finding out what the system is supposed to cover and what business value it brings is a bit of a hassle. I am responsible for creating new user stories, documenting requirements for new functionality and generally getting the project on a track within the next four months. My initial thoughts are to start mapping out what exists in now and what should exist in the future using these tools:

  • Stakeholders interviews
  • User Journey Mapping
  • Service blueprint
  • User testing / observing users using the existing ("un-finished") app (as is).

This to get a overview of the state of things. Soon I will start helping the process owner describing new functions (you can't stop a runaway train) and get acceptance for user involvement.

The reason I am asking here is that most tools we use refers to how to use them with a website in mind, not a process application for enterprise. So if you have some articles or books on UX for larger applications and enterprise, much appreciated!