UX Pattern for indicating information that might be wrong

I’m working for a startup that crawls data from news articles and displays it in a table. For example: “Bayern Munich won 2:0 against BVB. Both goals were scored by Lewandowski. Müller assisted both goals.”

  1. Result: 2:0
  2. Winning Team: Bayern Munich
  3. Goals scored by: Müller

As you might have noticed, the goals were not scored by Müller. The crawling algorithms do make mistakes. For this reason, we are looking for a UI/UX solution, that communicates that information might be wrong. At the moment users do get the feeling, that the extracted data are facts (100% safe) - we want to change that.

There are some approaches:

  1. All customers (B2B) do get an onboarding anyway. They get instructed, that information can be wrong. No additional highlighting in the UI necessary.

  2. We are labeling all information in a certain way. Google, for example, is showing a grey “traffic-light” (see screenshot) when estimating my location.

  3. Do you have any other ideas or are you familiar with some UI patterns that might fit my problem?

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