UX for display nested grouping elements in web

I want to display a list of items whose each item might lie in a category or a nested category.

For example.

Category 1 > Item A
Category 1 > Sub-Category 1.1 > Item B
Category 1 > Sub-Category 1.2 > Item C

Category 2 > Sub-Category 2.1 > Sub-Sub-Category 2.1.1 > Item D
Category 2 > Sub-Category 2.1 > Sub-Sub-Category 2.1.2 > Item E
Category 2 > Sub-Category 2.2 > Item F

Before I used a nested menu to display these items, but now,

  • I want to show all of them on a screen (no scroll needed is good).
  • Each item by someway should indicate to users which categories it belongs to.

This list items could have 2 or 3 level nested.

I'm not UX guy, so can you guys give me some suggestion?