UX and handling error messages for competent mobile apps

I’m trying to figure out what the best practice scenario would be to handle an error message correctly for a mobile app developed in both Android and iOS.

The below scenarios are supposed to occur only when the app launches for the first time. i.e.: The user has just downloaded it, the app just got installed in the device and the user attempts to launch the app.

1st scenario - Expected user journey if there are not any issues:

App Menu > Splash > SDK package initiating > Dashboard

2nd scenario - Expected user journey if there are any issues:

  1. Mobile App Menu > Splash Screen > SDK package initiating > Offline message
  2. Mobile App Menu > Splash Screen > SDK package initiating > Error message ( such as unexpected error server or phone issue)

enter image description here Question 1: Regarding the two possibilities within the second scenario; Would you treat both options (Offline & Error messages) as the same alert message type?

Question 2: Regarding the two possibilities within the second scenario; How would you design this rule considering that there is an app error and the user isn’t at the dashboard?

Question 2.1: Would you add a Cancel button, which forces app exiting and therefore the user is forced to go back to the Mobile App Menu?

Question 2.2: or would you keep the user within another state between the Splash screen and the error message screen?

Question 3: What would Google Material Design and iOS Human Interaction Guidelines be for this instance?

Could anyone clarify this, please?

Thanks, PFA