Using Dynamic tabs in Web Application

I am developing an Admin Panel with about 50 different menu items. There ist an left side menu with that grouped links (for example Users, Articles). When an User clicks on an menu item i am always creating an new tab item inside my admin panel - so there is navbar that has an included tab bar.

So when the User is on Articles, and Double Click on an article to see the details, ill open it into an new tab inside my Web App.

If the User clicks on the left menu again on articles, ill check if that menu point is already added to my main tab bar, and if found it, ill only set that tab to active.

Every tab has an Remove Button on its right side (like in the browser).

I am loading the content of every tab by ajax. When you Reload the page, every open tab is in the cache and will open again.

I am doing this kind of User Interface since maybe 10 years - and now where everything needs to be responsive i am not sure if this is still a good was to reach an good user interface.

Now i am planning to Open Detail Pages in Modal views, and stop using an main dynamic tab bar- can anyone tell me the disadvanges when using my own tab bar inside my app (because there should be some ux Problems, i've never seen this in an other admin Panel (like Google or Typo3 backends)

The huge advantage what i see when using an main tab bar is that u can easy compare multiple detail items, like articles.