using different colours for link buttons in a list [on hold]

Background: We are new to UI/UX here, but have done a lot of research and followed the UX checklist to a large extent.

so... We have a tableview with a list of courses a user can take, but we're struggling to decide whether or not having the 'see more' arrow button with the same colour as the list items main colour makes sense or not.

My fear (product owner) is that its overly done might confuse the user due to having too many different colours for the same function, but a counter argument in the team is that the colour of these arrows should be uniform to the colour in the list item around the course name.

Please note that 'type here' will say 'View Course'. Also, ignore the button in the bottom left corner.

Is there any consensus on this issue, or any resource I can be pointed to which discusses this?

Thank you!

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