Userflow for questions based on answers on inspection app

I'm working on a mobile application to help technician to make inspections. They have a lot of question for each task, each question is about an item inspection. When the answer is positive no additional action is required (80% of cases).

enter image description here

But when the answer is No, he has to identify the anomaly so I show a new page with anomaly choice. I choose to represent it as a cards because it needs to have an "on" and "off" statut.

enter image description here

When the technician chose one anomaly it show a new screen because we need some additional informations, my problem appears here. I can not create a classic stepper because the number and type of question will depend of the answers :

  1. First he need to answer if he "fixed", "momentarily fixed" or "can not fix for the moment" the anomaly.
  2. If the technician answer "fixed" or "momentarily fixed" we ask him to let a comment, to explain how he managed that
  3. If the technician answer "can not fix for the moment" we have two additional questions : we have to identify the reason of this failure (choice in a list of 6 items) and the estimated repair time (choice in a list of 2 items)

I don't know how to represent this userflow, this is my headache, but at the end the user need to come back to the anomaly screen, because he can add another anomaly with the same flow..

enter image description here

Thanks for your help !