Use of Website Category Landing Pages

OK, here's the situation: A reasonably simple website with a primary navigation menu including drop-down list of sublevels on hover. Each navigation level may have 3 - 6 sublevels below it, none more important than the other. For example see this mockup:

enter image description here

My question is: What should happen if the user Clicks on one of the primary navigation options (such as 'News') instead of just hovering over and choosing a sublevel?

My instinct tells me that I should allow a click of this navigation option; it's expected user behavior to be able to click navigation options. If clicked then a landing page of some sort will be present listing all the sublevels (latest news, blog posts, case studies'). However there is no content to add to this landing page other than presenting a list of links, which is pretty useless. I could pad it out by adding iconography and descriptions of the sublevels, but that's just content for the sake of it; does 'Latest News' really need a description in order to understand what it is?

If I don't include a landing page then clicking this primary navigation will have to open something but if I open the 'Latest News' page that risks the user not knowing about the other sections of the site.

(The landing page will be useful for breadcrumb navigation too, so I don't really want to do away with it).

Is my thinking that a landing page showing the list of sublevels actually useful even though there is no actual content to display, or is there a better alternative to go with?