Use of clickable ellipsis in data table row

In the interface I'm designing we have a page with a table that shows a list of support tickets. By clicking on a row, the user is redirected to the page of that single ticket where they can see all of the details.

The problem is, the title of a ticket can sometimes be too long so I put a simple ellipsis to keep the table consistent. My stakeholder would like that the ellipsis becomes clickable so that the user can expand the text, but looking around I haven't found any reference for this kind of use.

My options would be:

1) Ellipses + read more: the user clicks on read more to expand the table line. My stakeholder wasn't enthusiast I think because it hides a bit more text/the button might seem redundant. Ellipsis+button Ellipsis+button expanded

2) Ellipsis + tooltip: the full text shows inside the tooltip with hover

3) Just make the ellipsis clickable - but I'm convinced users wouldn't notice it

What do you think is the best solution in this case? I am having some trouble argumenting my choices.

Note: I excluded the row expansion (e.g. with a plus or arrow) on the far left of the table because only some rows would need it so I'm not sure it's the best option for this case.