Usability of colour pickers in HSL format compared to RGB and HEX

Reading a recent article about HSL colour pickers being more user-friendly, I thought about the reason why the RGB and HEX colour pickers exist and who they are catering for, and it seems quite obvious that these types of colour pickers are created by and for designers and developers because this is the convention and way that we have been specifying colours since the early days of the web. It is in contrast to the CMYK colour palettes that people who work in the physical print medium as opposed to the digital medium.

But since there is so much focus on self-publishing on the web, and more tools to allow the everyday designer and developer to contribute to the plethora of sites that already exist (and we need to if we want to move towards web 3.0 and beyond where everyone is an owner and contributor), it is interesting that the HSL colour pickers are not getting the popularity that it probably could be getting.

From a UX designer perspective, isn't the HSL colour picker more user friendly for the general users (and even designers)?

Is there a particular reason (other than the fact that RGB and HEX colour pickers make up the overwhelming majority) that HSL colour pickers shouldn't be more popular?