Upgrade user account to hosting account?

I'm creating a marketplace/listing service website, think AirBnb. Right now I'm working on the registration/become a host flow. Users need to create a an account in order to make reservations on the site, they would have to provide email, password, first and last name. However if a user wants to list their own property as the host they need to provide additional information, address, SSN, and birthday. There are three different potential paths:

  1. A user registers as a regular account, never becomes a host
  2. A user registers as a regular account, upgrades their account to a host account
  3. A user registers as a host account from the start

I am wondering what the smoothest way to handle the registration flow is.

Currently I greet regular users with a registration page. Then if they later want to register as a host, the page pulls in the information they already provided and lets them fill in the rest. They can also edit their previous information at this point if it's incorrect. If the user doesn't have a previous account then all the fields are shown blank and a user must fill them all in.

This just feels a bit clunky though, is there a precedent for how this is handled? Should I not show the user their previously entered details and just ask for the additional info? Should I have two separate accounts one for each type of user?