Unicode symbol for orthogonal tesselation

We are considering adding another symbol to our programming language. Our philosophy is to use mnemonic symbols instead of keywords. For example, means"transpose", while and mean "left-side" and "right-side".

What Unicode glyphs would indicate the act of cutting a data array into orthogonal pieces?


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│ 1  2│ 2  3│ 3  4│ 4  5│ 5  6│ 6  7│ 7│
│ 8  9│ 9 10│10 11│11 12│12 13│13 14│14│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
│15 16│16 17│17 18│18 19│19 20│20 21│21│
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