"Undo Changes" & "Refresh"

In a desktop application, where users are pulling and sometimes updating values on a "datagridview" (DGV) that is data-bound to a database, how should a designer distinguish between "undo changes" and "refresh page"?

We currently use both and they have very similar behavior - erase any values in the DGV and re-pull from the database to display what is stored.

The original idea was to handle two different situations:

  1. "UNDO": I made some changes. After double checking, my changes are wrong and I would like to revert to what is stored on the database. This button prompts the user if they are sure they want to undo their changes.
  2. "REFRESH:" Something was updated on the server that was not pushed/updated from my view, and I would like to pull the most current information. This button does not prompt the user if they are sure of their action.

Essentially, our "refresh" button is just an "undo" button, but without the confirmation prompt.

Some of our users are relatively tech-challenged, or speak English as a second language. Our current impression is that removing one of the buttons, or combining their text into an "UNDO/REFRESH" button, might cause some confusion.