UI for predicting game results

I will ask users to predict the outcome of upcoming football games.

Ideas on how to enter the data

a) Two separate textbox inputs
b) Two separate select tags with options: 0, 1, 2, 3 ... 9, 10
c) One select tag with possible game outcomes: 0-0, 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 ... 0-1,0-2 ... 9-10, 10-10

Select options


  • They will predict a lot of games (but will be able to save 5-10 results at a time)
  • They are mainly using mobile phones

Some cons:

  • Using textbox will render the keyboard on mobile phone every time they click a new field
  • There will be a limitation with select as I have to define the max amount of goals/result possible
  • Using select with possible game outcomes will render a list with a lot of (probably) unnecessary options. It will be harder to find the desired result

What is the preferred way for users to predict the outcome of football games?