Two possible website designs: navigation to new page vs. single page scrolling

I design a website for providing some services. So, at the top there will be a menu line with several options (e.g., about, services etc). Then, I am contemplating between two implementations:

1) A click on an option navigates to a new page, like in this wix template:

2) A click on an option scrolls botton the same main page, like in this wix template:

My main questions is what is preferable today? My guess Is that the second option more modern and it is inspired by touch screen devices (i.e., it is easier to scroll than to click). The question, is such design also convenient for desktop use? In my view, the benefit of option (2) is that the content can be easily found by just scrolling the main page. The downside is that the page is somewhat more confusing because the menu click might expect to navigate instead of scrolling. Is design (2) common today?

I would appreciate any advice and any reference to relevant article.

Many thanks.