two dimensional list with multiple values

We are developing a web applications for e-commerce use when for a list of countries we have different vendors list sort by priority of that vendor. the maximum lists of country is undefined, it can be one list for all the countries we support or multiple lists with no limit.


  • under a group of countries the user can decided the internal priority of vendors.
  • country can be only in one list.
  • group of vendors can be in different order on each group of countries.

1. user selects at least one country
2. user selects the vendors from a list of existing vendor, or add a new one
3. user sorts the list of vendors by priority

after a user config it, we want to show him the view of all lists.
the goals of this page is to show the list of countries and under it the list of vendors taking in mind that the user will probably get to this page to look for a specific country.

what is the best presentation for this view? taking inconsideration that the number of lists won't be constant and can varied.

This is a new sketch based on the first answer. now, under the assumption that the number of lists is not constant, what do you think about the solution? I'm concerning it will be messy. enter image description here