Trouble creating surveys with iOS elements

I'm working with a client on a project that will include survey elements within the app. There are a few survey elements that I've never seen on a native app and would appreciate some guidance on how best to construct the elements, or a close approximation.

  • Static Text Response, Long form or fill in the blank (Easy these are UITextFields of UITextView)
  • Multiple Choice Question single or multiple answer (A UIPicker would work for single selection but not sure how to do this for multiple selection)
  • Matrix Table, single and multiple answer -- I'm unsure how to begin to tackle this, I'd assume a picker for each row in the table but that seems messy and like the UI would deviate very far from the same form on the web.
  • Ranking, Drag to order, stack ranking order, and Likert Scale -- I'm really grasping at straws on ranking. Likert would make the most sense to use a UIPicker with traditional Likert options. Stack ranking looks like I would use a picker on each value to select a value, but it would seem like I would need to do a significant amount of error handling so I don't give two values the same rank. Is there a simpler/cleaner solution?

Stack Ranking Order Question Matrix of Likert Scale Questions