trippable music player desktop-app [closed]

I have been interested in the visual operation of systems and programmes for a long time and am just starting to discover this forum. So first of all, a friendly hello!

I love my music collection. I am constantly looking for the perfect oranisation type for my library. Since I mainly like to collect and sort music to enjoy with friends while tripping, I'm facing a problem: No matter how well I sort my music, it's worthless if I can't navigate through it during a trip.

So I'm looking for a UX and UI that is easy enough to use in such a state. On our last trip I gave up trying to find my way around and we played the whole library on shuffle and interacted with MusicBee (the program I use to manage my music library) only via "like" and "next".

That's why I had the idea to design a music player just for this kind of application and to implement it with "electron".

I imagine a cover wall with optional lines or columns of playlists - similar to train-tracks. It should now be possible to "jump" effortlessly from one playlist to another without interrupting the current music playback. I think the easiest way to controll this, would be with an Xbox One controller. It feels good in the hand, and if you use the buttons intuitively and thoughtfully, it's more comfortable than any remote control, mouse or keyboard. for example, you could always have to press two active buttons to trigger an action [next, like, etc.] to avoid unintentional gripp"mistakes".

now i'm stuck on the question of how the whole thing should look and behave. Which functions are absolutely necessary and which can or must be dispensed with in order not to make everything too complicated?

Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how to present the whole thing so that it makes sense? I've already thought about carousels instead of a wall, but I don't yet see a good way of representing the "jumping". Horizontal shuffle like a rubiks cube?

I'm curious to hear what you have in mind.