Treating foldable devices like a multi-screen user environment? Any research or finding to support the hypothesis?

Even though I don't really understand the need for foldable devices, it hasn't stopped phone companies from pushing the boundaries when it comes to the definition of a 'display surface' and what it can do.

Previous questions on design strategies haven't really yielded much response on UXSE, because most of our attention is still focused on how to cope with the divergence in display resolution and aspect ratios, let alone having to deal with multiple screens.

However, given the consensus that we are almost designing in an age where 'mobile-first' and 'content-is-the-king' dominate most discussions, I think the case for considering what the uncharted waters of foldable devices and its impact on interface design is interesting to consider.

My hypothesis is that they will be treated like multi-screen devices in terms of the user workflow and interactions, but I am wondering if there is any research or use cases to support this (since I haven't dabbled in this area yet).