Tooltips on a tiered donut chart – what to display?

I am using a half-donut chart to show a user's progress over time. I want to show their current score and their previous score. Green means they are improving. Blue and red means they are doing worse. I also want to show how they stack against the average (that's the grey).

enter image description here

I can't figure out what the tooltips should read. For card B, I would like the tooltip to tell you the current score. This suggests that the entire green ring (both light and dark green parts) is what adds up to 55%, as displayed by the tooltip.

However, when you compare this to how card C works, it is inconsistent. The tooltip on card C only tells you what the blue part is worth.

Overall, I feel as though I am making this too complicated. I have half a mind to revert to a previous design, in which the previous score gets its own ring(please forgive the quick job). Here, the green is current score, the blue is previous score, and the grey is average score. enter image description here

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Nico