Thumbnail gallery wizard navigation on selection

I have doubt on my design related to thumbnail gallery wizard. Wizard has few pages consist of thumbnail images (10 images per page), where each gallery page has a question, and the answer would be to select one of the gallery image to proceed to the next question.On selection, the selected image marked as a circle as in below sketch.

enter image description here I found out my navigation on each page have lacking usability since most of the users had a confusion where to click after selecting the thumbnail image. My navigation buttons are underneath the gallery.I appreciate your expertise comments/feedback/opinion on how to improve this.

Current gallery wizard,

enter image description here

Some suggestions as in below,

  1. Do an auto navigation whenever user selection happened
  2. Make the Navigation buttons on side by side (As in image carousal)

Also, I have doubt on the images,does it need zoom functionality on each image?