Thoughts on 2 CTAs in a hero/header section

I'm working on a landing page for a software company. Currently, the company offers one enterprise product. Soon, a second "lite" product will roll out, and I'm wondering about the hero/CTA.

I don't want to pull attention (read: paying clients) away from the first enterprise product, but I do want to highlight the new lite product.

Best practices say that I should have one CTA attached to the hero that will probably point to a product comparison page (with differences/pricing listed). However, I am toying with the idea of having two CTAs in the hero: one pointing to the product comparison page, and the other immediately launches the sign-up form for the new lite product.

+ I remove a step in the signing up process (users launch the form from the landing page)
+ I maintain an easy way to navigate to the product comparison page.

- I may confuse users with two CTAs
- I may lose potential customers if they are confused by multiple choices in the decision tree. (click or not click vs click a, click b, or not click either)

Thoughts? Success rates? Should I just test each scenario?

I've found one article on Smashing Magazine from 2009 discussing two CTAs. But that's it. Do you have any good examples or strong opinions?