“The Last Ten Percent” by Cassie McDaniel – An Event Apart video

You’ve been grinding for weeks. You’ve done your due diligence and tested designs with users and colleagues. You’ve spoken to the client, they’re convinced you’re amazing. Everything looks great in every browser, on every popular device. You think you’re done. But you’re not done, you’re just getting started.

In this free 60-minute video, captured live at An Event Apart: Denver Special Edition, Jane & Jury founder Cassie McDaniel talks about what happens after your work goes out into the wild and people start using it. Discover how to use iterative design strategies to increase your work’s impact and ultimately make you more effective at what you do.

Cassie McDaniel runs a small, ambitious, friendly design studio with her husband called Jane & Jury. As previous Design Director at the Mozilla Foundation, she led a team of designers on the organization’s advocacy and digital literacy fronts. She founded the interview series Women&&Tech and runs a creative event and workshop series called Paris Lectures. She grew up in Florida, jumped around in England, and is now based an hour outside Toronto in rural Ontario, where she is deeply invested in the roots she puts down into her community both locally and online. Her design articles have been published in A List Apart, Smashing Magazine, Distance, Offscreen Magazine, and others.

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