The flow of a payment page where the status of payment can’t be updated immediately after a payment — manual payment

The payments via some payment methods on a website are automatic -- you pay on a payment page via you bank card or PayPal and can see that a payment has been done and confirmed immediately.

For some payments methods the result or status can't be confirmed immediately. A user is supposed to pay and be notified by email. For instance, payments via BankTransfer. Or some others.

My question is:

how to create smooth, non-ambiguous UX page for the 2nd type of payments -- manual ones, that is?

When a user is redirected to a page where he sees the details for BankTransfer payment, what does he expect from that page in terms of buttons, navigation, text, links? Should there be only a text with Payment Details and a button "Return to home page"? Or what else?

Are there decent and good examples of such pages?