Tap, Tap, Tap or Keyboard Entry

We are doing an internal makeover to our existing Timesheet Mac app. In that I ran into a situation where I have to decide either of the below options.

Option A : Tap, Tap, Tap

Like the smartphone behaviour (Tap, Tap, Tap) It will have recently used 5 selections. User just needs to tap the one's they wanted to select. Please don't worry about if the required selection is not available in the list.

Perfect example for this would be the iPad buying page from the Apple Website. Please go through the selection for Model, Finish, Storage & Connectivity.

Option B : Keyboard Entry

As a conventional method user can quickly enter the details by using the below methods

  • Tap for navigating
  • Type couple of words and select the content
  • CMD (Mac) + Enter for Submit

I strongly into option A, because I just need to tap the one which is presented visually, considering the fact mostly used details are presented in the list. Since everything is presented in front of the user, they can quickly tap the selections they wanted to.

But some of our colloquies from development teams are disagreeing with me. They feel time can be saved by using keyboard entries.

What is your opinion? with explanation (if possible).

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