I’m trying to design a portion of a web interface that allows users to tag items and view all items with a tag or set of tags on them – think gmail, if gmail allowed you to easily select multiple tags to view all messages with all of those…
I’ve been a developer for over 6 years, mainly working in the web context, and generally distributed applications, services, and also front-facing apps. I got into programming originally through Interactive Design studies back in universit…
I have a quick question about buttons that toggle between two states. (Think Play/Pause, or Shuffle/Regular Play.) As the title says, should the toggle show it’s current state or the state to which it will transition?
I’m working on a website design and trying to decide whether to have the sidebar scroll independently of the page content, or have just one scrollbar control both divs. What principle should I use to guide the decision? In which situations…
Donation forms are meant to be easy to use. Easy enough to use implies that it may convert the casual website visitor into a donor. We are currently using the fields:
Card Type
Card Number
Card Expiry
Name on Card
CCV Number
$ Amount
UXers here probably audit existing websites or pieces of software that are already established. Sometimes, we are involved in designing them from the start, but for times when we are not, we just have to audit and list recommendations for …