How To Use Shadows And Blur Effects In Modern UI Design

When you examine the most successful interaction designs of recent years, the clear winners are those who provide an excellent functionality. While functional aspect of a design is key to product success, aesthetics and visual details are equally important — particularly how they can improve those functional elements.

In today’s article, I’ll explain how visual elements, such as shadows and blur effects, can improve the functional elements of a design.
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The Realities Of User Experience Design Within The Luxury Industry

For luxury companies and upscale lifestyle service providers, excellence in experience is an essential component of the value delivered. Conceptually different from the mass market, the luxury domain relies not only on offering the highest differentiated products and services, but on delivering experiential value.

Adopting technology and embracing a digital presence through platforms and initiatives, the luxury industry today is tackling the challenge of designing an unparalleled user experience (UX) online. In this article, we’ll present a case study and share observations on the peculiarities of the UX design of a luxury lifestyle service platform and its mobile apps.
The post The Realities Of User Experience Design Within The Luxury Industry appeared first on Smashing Magazine.
Getting Started With VR Interface Design

The virtual realm is uncharted territory for many designers. In the last few years, we’ve witnessed an explosion in virtual reality (VR) hardware and app…
Mobile-First Is Just Not Good Enough: Meet Journey-Driven Design

In a recent sales meeting for a prospective healthcare client, our team at Mad*Pow found ourselves answering an all-too-familiar question. We had covered…