The 10 Best YouTube Channels For Learning UX Design

The world of interface design has gradually shifted from a design focus to a user focus. This means designers now care more about the experience rather than how something looks….
The post The 10 Best YouTube Channels For Learning UX Design appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
15+ Best Free Brush Fonts for Designers

Discover the best free brush fonts for adding an authentic look to your designs. This collection includes a variety of brush styles and variations.
The post 15+ Best Free Brush Fonts for Designers appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.
Taking Trips Outside of Your Design Comfort Zone

We explore why projects outside of our sweet spot can cause such discomfort and discuss those things we can do to meet these challenges with enthusiasm.
The post Taking Trips Outside of Your Design Comfort Zone appeared first on Speckyboy Design Magazine.