Tab based layout or not?
The app I'm designing initially had a tab based layout in its early stage (Android version). Since working on the iPhone version I've gone with just using ViewControllers to allow the user to navigate through. In some ways it feels more fluid but it may be confusing to the user.
The app analyses and visualises incoming audio according to different parameter sets (these are the data items). There are two views, the audio analyses view and the data / edit view. There is also a view that lists the different data items, that will allow for online database search and discovery.
The tab based layout had something like:
Visualise | Edit | Search | Settings
The view controller layout has a path like:
Search (click on item) -> Visualise -> Edit
The Visualise view has a right nav button to edit.
I'm more of a programmer than UX designer so wondering if any UX people have some tips on how to make such decisions.