Standard for using the system tray?

I'm building an application which will be "running in the system tray" (an icon will be shown there) and a menu will be shown when the user clicks on the icon

When I look at different applications I can see that there is a difference in how they use the system tray, in two respects:

1. Menu

Menus are shown on right click for some applications, and on left click for others


2. Minimizing to tray

Some Applications are minimized to tray when clicking on "x"/"close" (in the upper right corner normally), while others are minimized to tray when the user pressed the "minimize" button

close and minimize

Question: Is there a standard for how to handle the system tray?

The application that I'm working on is cross-platform (Gnome, KDE, Windows, MacOS) and uses Qt

Grateful for help!

These other questions bring up minimize to tray behavior: