Sorting a tree view that has a single root?

I have a tree view control that has two modes, one mode is search mode where items are filtered and presented as a flattened list, other mode is a regular tree view.

When items are filtered and therefore it's a list, the sorting by columns just works and obviously makes a lot of sense:

enter image description here

However, see the situation when it's not filtered and the tree has a single root node:

enter image description here

The sorting in this case does absolutely nothing because as there is a single root node, no matter what your sorting rules are, the result will always be the same.

But having a sortable tree indeed would be nice, so here the general idea would be to sort each and every level individually:

  • 1 (sorting group 1)
    • 2 (sorting group 2)
      • 3 (sorting group 3)
  • 4 (sorting group 1)
    • 5 (sorting group 2)
      • 6 (sorting group 3)

In this case of course, one has to collapse to a certain level to see the effective result, i.e. the hierarchy of nodes isn't rewritten because it would be extremely confusing otherwise.


Does this approach makes any sense? If not then, what do you suggest instead?