Sketch Bug – Layer Disabled – Too Large [closed]

Working in Bohemian Sketch, I have a file that we have been using as our toolkit. It has about 1100 symbols in it, many nested. As due to our corporate policy, we are stuck on Sketch 52.3, we are using the Anima plugin in order to make stacking and padding work with our symbols.

File used to work great, but then I noticed that some symbols started to be empty, with the symbol name changed to LAYER DISABLED – TOO LARGE. The symbols have also changed size, to now be about a million pixels wide. We have pretty efficient version tracking, so I was able to track it to first happening to one symbol, then a dozen, and over the course of two days, expanded to about 500 symbols. And it's still there if the file is given to someone else to open.

Anyone seen anything like this?

Layer Disabled - Too Large