Site Maps: Showing animations in a site map the user has to navigate through

I need to make sitemap for a microsite.

To add in some background detail, the site will be focused on raising Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). I am still fairly new at writing site maps as well.

The idea is to keep the site "simple". The user will land at the site, they will be promoted to start a patient journey. They will then be presented with animations for 3 patients at different stages of the their COPD condition. The three patient stories will be presented one after the other. After this they will be sent to a page that has the information and links to other pages etc. The client wants the user to be able replay each story afterwards if the user desires it.

My question is, are there particular ways to show this or what would be the best way to present this?

At first I thought I would do one branch from the landing page, list the three profiles, then on a second branch from the landing page, list the page with information. Whilst I think this covers all the content, I don't think it makes it clear the user will see the animations firstenter image description here

Then I thought why not start with the landing page, and then have each patient profile branch from each other as per the image below. I think this is a little more clear on the site structure. However, it looks like you have to drill through a lot of page to get to content and I am wondering if this is looking more like a user flow rather than a site map. I could condense the patient profiles into one box and make a note of the content.

Is there particular ways to show this or a good way to show this?

enter image description here