Simulate Eye-tracking by Photoshop filters? [on hold]

I've read some articles about visual perception and that it mostly differs in High-frequency, Mid-frequency and Low-frequency recognition. Whereas Low-freq is fastest and seems to be responsible for overall orientation. Mid-freq is important for letter recognition and High-freq for all details. See the image below for an idea of it.

enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

Source:, also a good article about visual frequencies

Its a very scientific field, but I think it can help us to improve our screen and icon design. I guess you already stumbled upon images like this below, where you still "see" the person although its very "unsharp" (only Low-frequencies aka no details). Actually you can simulate it through a simple Gauss-filter, too.

enter image description here


Okay, complicated introduction followed by a simple question:

Is there a study, workflow, dedicated photoshop-filter, that can give me the ability to simulate an Eye-tracking situation? check my layout: grasp the first impression, the idea of visual flow/attention and order of perception.

There is a common workaround for designers: you slightly pinch one eye together and see a blurry overall impression. But having it more precise would be awesome.

I played around a little, but I think its not accurate and still half the way enter image description here