Sign up and onboarding

We have a big project management web app. Before the user can use the app, we have some steps to complete, like:

1 - Signup - 6 fields (Name, Email, Password, Job Role, Phone and Captcha)

2 - Onboarding - 4 questions to set up the company (Name, Area of Business, Number of employees and Level - which serves to direct the user to a suggested menu configuration)

3 - Steps - 4 steps that teaches the user how to create their first structure in the product (Group of Work, Projects, Activities and Invite coworkers)

We're planning to make these three separate steps for the user to start to use the app. We know it's a complex product. I think we can not skip any field, because all are important for projects and sales area.

There is a trial period available for users.

The questions

1) Are there any other possibilities for handling such complex products?

2) Would combining steps 1 and 2 be good possibility?

3) Any other ideas?