Sign-up and Log-in for two different sets of users


  1. Business users should only sign up and login with the email/password option using their work email address. They cannot login with social login options.
  2. Personal users can sign up and login with either social login options or email/password.


I am designing a new website which serves two different sets of users.

For the sign-up process, after clicking the Sign-Up button on the home page the user is shown a new form which prompts them to choose whether they are signing up for a personal account or a business/organisation account. After choosing this, they are then directed to the appropriate sign up page. For personal accounts, social login options are presented as well the email/password sign up option. This is fine even though the process is long winded.

The issue is after a user a signed up. When a user subsequently wants to log in I don't know if they have created a personal account or a business account. I don't want to show social log in options if they are a business user.

I have seen this post but it concentrates more on the sign-up process. Have I approached my sign-up process incorrectly which is making the log-in process difficult to get right? What is the best way to handle the UX for two different sets of users who should only have a subset of the possible login/sign-up options: for business users (only email/password) and for personal accounts (social + email/password)?


My solution to this is to have a 3 step process both for log-in and sign-up as follows:

  1. Sign-Up: Click Sign-Up button on home page -> Ask whether user is signing up for a personal account or on behalf of a business -> Direct user to the appropriate sign up form ie. personal or business
  2. Log-in: Click Log-in button on home page -> Ask whether user is logging into a personal account or business account -> Direct user to the appropriate log in form ie personal or business

This way the user sees a consistent process for either login or sign in but it is rather long winded. However, since the process is broken into separate forms there is no chance of confusion. Having both the personal and business login options on one form is overwhelming and confusing. Additionally I could add a small note at the bottom on the form recommending the user to bookmark the login in page so that they can bypass the initial part of this journey and go straight to the login form appropriate to their account type.


Another solution would to do what this website did. It offers two buttons (Personal and Business) under a login container.

enter image description here