Showing information message on multi step form

This is a long configuration page (form) which can have multiple steps as for each product, configuration needs to be done. (each step can represent each product) Now if there is/are few information message(s) (not error or validation messages but purely information but might be critical at times), how to and where to show such messages? Currently, those are identified only when user clicks first step submit button, and then shown on top of next step. But from my POV, those are irrelevant for next product configuration/step bacase it is related to first product. There is absolutely nothing that we can get any explicite user action. If we would want to have, it could be only displaying the message after the step action button and then let user click 'OK' to go ahead - on dialogue. But this seems unnecessary to me. as user actually does not do anything. Please suggest how to take care of showing message on appripriate place.