Show/Hide Select All Tree Checkboxes

We are using a 3-level nav tree (Sport-Country-Competition) with nodes being selected only on the third level.

Upon running usability tests, we identified that the absence of a "select all" option is a pain point for our users. Should the users want to select all the competitions from a Sport-Country, they have to select each node one-by-one, which results in an unnecessary interaction cost.

We are considering replacing the country flag icon with a checkbox, should the user mouse over the country node; this way the user will check the country checkbox for all competitions to be selected.

My questions below:

  1. Revealing/Hiding the Select All checkbox will promote recall over recognition; will the impact be considerably bigger from the benefit?
  2. Should we expand the country node upon selecting it to show all children being selected instantly?
  3. Any other alternatives/suggestions we can think of?

Current State without Select All