Should you have a site container?

Gone are the days of making a site approximately 1000px in width. Now we have all sorts of screens to cater for. As this is the case, and current web design shows well designed sites that fit in nicely at 100% width, taking up the full screen, and thus utilizing valuable site real estate.

But when there are screens with resolutions that have widths around 2000px or even more, some of these full width web sites start to look a little distorted.

Responsive web design is not just for mobile, it can be used for any size screen, including higher resolution. It just depends how many versions you wish to make.

Very few screens have a width more than 1920px. So perhaps at around that screens with that or more, you place a container around the site, so you can control the look and feel on any screen with a higher resolution. Of course your container could be any size, perhaps 1500px even. Just up the size of when your site starts looking distorted.

Should this be a practice of RWD?