Should we use ‘narrow and deep’ or ‘broad and shallow’ navigation pattern on mobile devices?

If we have a large content environment on a mobile device, we need some way to access that content with ease. One could implement a narrow and deep navigation pattern which gives the possibility for larger navigation elements to be presented to the user. There will be less errors clicking through content, but there will be more clicks to perform to access the content we’re after.

If we implement the opposite style, where we have a broad and shallow navigation pattern, there will be less click to perform, but there will be harder to find what to click, especially if the navigation elements need to be scrolled through.

‘narrow and deep’ or ‘broad and shallow’ navigation pattern

Image from the book: "Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Designing Large-Scale Web Sites" by Morville and Rosenfelt

Which of these two patterns would work the best on a mobile device?